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Parents Page |
Welcome to the webpage that is dedicated to the Parents of our CAP Cadets. We understand the challenges that come with having children. The competition for the basic Parental Resources, (Time, Money and Patience) is extreme and becomes even more difficult with multiple kids. We do not want to add to your stress if we can avoid it. For this reason, the Squadron website has been redesigned to help your cadet follow the program. Of course you are free to make use of our site so that you can understand what your cadet will be doing. However we would appreciate if you would encourage your cadet to find any required information on his own using the website and his cadet leadership as sources. The more independent he becomes, the better it is for both you and CAP. The Cadet Program is designed to instill in cadets a sense of personal responsibility and self-discipline. Cadets - not their parents - are responsible for preparing their uniform, planning ahead to juggle school and other obligations and signing up for special events. We will try to post important "Parent" type information on this page. We would also encourage you to offer any suggestions as to what would be useful to you or the program in general. Finally, any time you have a question or concern about CAP involving your cadet, please feel free to contact me directly. Parents are also invited to take advantage of our "Open Door" Policy and visit during any of our Squadron meetings. Please check in at our Squadron office when you arrive. Thank you for supporting our Squadron. Best Regards, LtCol
Louis P. Fenech, Jr.