As 2004 comes to a close, I would like to reflect on what we have accomplished this year, with a “State of the Unit” report. To do this, I would like to focus on the three missions of the Civil Air Patrol and how well we are performing them. The Cadet Programs Mission under the command of 2nd Lt. James Ridley was very successful this year. We began the year by winning the NY Wing Color Guard Championship and we will end it with our annual Holiday Party, December 18th. We have held numerous Squadron activities which have been both important for our community and fun for our members. Our recruiting committee under the command of S/M Rymas has been very successful as we have doubled our Squadron strength. The committee has held numerous recruiting events with more planned for next year. Acting as our Public Affairs Officer, Lt. Ridley has had numerous articles published in the “CAP News”. linea credito turismo saltaferia mueble united states 2007 The Aerospace Education Mission is administered by 1st Lt. Nathan Hillard. Under his guidance, the program has been totally reworked. Through his efforts, our Squadron received the prestigious “2004 Aerospace Excellence Award”. We have also begun a model rocketry program and are planning to have a public Aerospace Show in June 2005. hollywood bikini party girlsbeaumont texas movie theatres The Operations Mission or Emergency Services Program under the command of Captain Bob Taylor is growing strong as we now have 2 Ground Team Leaders, a Mission Safety Officer, a Mission Radio Operator and numerous Ground Team members and trainees. We have an Emergency Response Plan in effect as well as a Squadron Alert List making us “Mission-Ready”. Captain Taylor is also working on developing a Communication Program for next year with a goal of securing radio equipment and Radio Operation training for all of our members. These missions would be almost impossible to accomplish without the excellent support of the rest of the Senior Staff. Our Administration and Finance Officer, 1st Lt. Cheryl Dorfman and her assistant 1st Lt. Joann Kelsey are making sure that all of the Squadron’s mandatory paperwork is completed and submitted in a timely fashion. S/M Paul Ryan is helping our Senior Staff keep their qualifications current. And finally, Captain Ed Raiola, our Deputy Commander, administers all Squadron testing and assists with the overall command of the Squadron. Of course the main reason that our Squadron is a candidate for our 3rd straight Squadron of the Year Award is that each member, both Cadet and Senior alike, has taken his commitment to the Civil Air Patrol seriously. Attendance is up, participation in the program is at an all-time high and we are growing stronger and more efficient with each passing meeting. girls not grey lyrics Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and thanks for a job well done, as well as a challenge to do it again next frierds hot mom petardas bigsausagerpizza doctor adventurespostal code in usa Sincerely, ![]() Louis P. Fenech, Jr. Major, Civil Air Patrol Squadron Commander www cbs bank comciudadanos datacredito com co |